The Austrian Energy Agency as an energy partner
The Austrian Energy Agency serves its members as a cooperation partner and starting point for national and international activities.
Commitment of the Austrian Energy Agency to its members
Membership in the Austrian Energy Agency enhances und reinforces your engagement within the energy sector. As a member, you gain access to the agency's cooperation and support services, alongside its plethora of information and action channels.
Partnerships in Europe
As part of the European Energy Network (EnR), the Austrian Energy Agency – along with its members – is at the heart of European energy policy and provides you with rapid access to international information. Furthermore, the Austrian Energy Agency develops and uses partnerships with energy-relevant institutions in Central and Eastern Europe for your benefit.
Dialogue, clearing house, discussion forum
In matters of shaping framework conditions for the energy sector, the Austrian Energy Agency acts as a clearing house. Its broad membership structure facilitates dialogue, bridges individual interests, and unlocks synergies.
The Austrian Energy Agency offers its members and partners participation, knowledge transfer, and a neutral discussion forum. For the conception and implementation of joint events, you will find a competent partner in the Austrian Energy Agency.
If you are interested in joining the Austrian Energy Agency, please contact us by Email.
Our members
Federal ministries
Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation, and Technology (BMK)
Federal states
State of Burgenland
State of Carinthia
State of Lower Austria
State of Upper Austria
State of Salzburg
State of Styria
State of Tyrol
State of Vorarlberg
State of Vienna
Companies, organisations, and institutions
AEE – Institute for Sustainable Technologies
Burgenland Energie AG
Energie AG Oberösterreich
Energie Agentur Steiermark gemeinnützige GmbH
Energie Graz GmbH
Energie Steiermark AG
Energy Institute Vorarlberg
Illwerke VKW AG
KELAG – Kärntner Elektrizitäts-Aktiengesellschaft
Verein Kleinwasserkraft Österreich
Klima- und Energiewerkstatt Graz
Kommunalkredit Public Consulting GmbH (KPC)
LINZ AG für Energie, Telekommunikation, Verkehr und Kommunale Dienste
OMV Gas Marketing & Trading GmbH
Österreichischer Biomasse-Verband
Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB)
Österreichische Bundesforste AG
Österreichischer Gemeindebund
Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO)
Austrian Tiled Stove Association
Österreichischer Städtebund
Austrian Electrotechnical Association (OVE)
Radlobby Österreich
Salzburg AG für Energie, Verkehr und Telekommunikation
TIWAG – Tiroler Wasserkraft AG
Verband der öffentlichen Wirtschaft und Gemeinwirtschaft Österreichs – VÖWG
Federation of Austrian Industries (IV)
Vereinigung Österreichischer Kessel- und Heizungsindustrie
Verband Wärmepumpe Austria
Wien Energie GmbH
Austrian Economic Chambers (WKO)