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Association Bodies

Association bodies of the Austrian Energy Agency

The Austrian Energy Agency is legally organized as an association and has its registered office in Vienna.

Managing Director

Franz Angerer

The Managing Director oversees the day-to-day operations and represents the association vis-à-vis third parties. By our articles of association, the Managing Director is independent and sovereign in the management of all scientific agendas of the Austrian Energy Agency.

Managing Committee

The Managing Committee consists of three members and is composed as follows :

Federal Minister Leonore Gewessler, BMK 

Simone Peter
1st Vice Chair

Chair of the State Governors' Conference
2nd Vice Chair
until the State Governor’s Conference exercises its right to nominate, the incumbent state governors as follows:

  1st half of the year 2nd half of the year
2024 Governor of the State of Lower Austria Governor of the State of Upper Austria
2025 Governor of the State of Salzburg Governor of the State of Styria
2026 Governor of the State Tyrol Governor of the State of Vorarlberg
2027 Governor of the State of Vienna Governor of the State of Burgenland

Supervisory Body

The Supervisory Body of the Austrian Energy Agency consists of at least three to a maximum of six persons. The following individuals are currently members of the supervisory body:

  Functional period
Federal states:
- Philipp Heel, BSc (Tyrol)
- DI Christian Vögel (Vorarlberg)

until September 2025
until September 2025
Energy supplier:
- Klaus Stricker (EVN AG)
- DI Michael Strebl (Wien Energie GmbH)

until 7 June 2025
until 7 June 2025
- Richard Freimüller (Verein Wärmepumpen Austria)

until 7 June 2025
AEA works council:
- Reinhard Jellinek

until 7 June 2025