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100% green electricity

Expand renewables for 100% green electricity

Electrical energy accounts for around 20 % of final energy consumption. In a European comparison, Austria is already in a leading position in terms of sustainable power supply, mainly due to the early expansion of hydropower. Almost three quarters of gross electricity consumption is already generated from renewable sources. By 2030, this share is to be increased to 100 % over the year. This requires the expansion of plants that convert hydropower, wind power, solar energy and biomass into electrical energy.

Green electricity is a central building block for climate neutrality

In the next two decades, the relevance of green electricity will increase significantly. First, by 2030, the electricity currently generated from fossil fuels (around 25 %) must be replaced by electricity from renewable energy sources. Second, the overall demand for electricity will increase. The increasing electrification of transport (electromobility on the road and rail) and heat generation (in industry and for space heating, e.g. with heat pumps) is a key driver here. Thirdly, electricity from renewable energy is the basic requirement for the production of green hydrogen (by electrolysis), which means that the demand for electrical energy will also increase sharply in the long term. In order to meet this demand, Austria must massively expand the generation of green electricity.

We provide answers for a 100 % green electricity future

The expansion is a challenge and many levers have to be set in motion to accelerate it: An attractive funding system, sufficient resources from the authorities and specialists, supportive framework conditions (e.g. spatial planning), an increased focus on the topics of participation (e.g .via renewable energy communities) and acceptance at the local level. At the same time, the electricity grids must be modernized and strengthened, and the electricity system as a whole must be designed to be more flexible and intelligent.

We advise our customers from politics, administration and business on how these levers can be set in motion. We develop strategies, provide decision-making bases, calculate scenarios, design new business models and implement numerous projects for the further development of the electricity system.

Contact Person

Head of Center Energy Economics & Infrastructure

DI Günter Pauritsch Email addressguenter.pauritsch@energyagency.at



Heat and cold from and for district heating networks using heat pumps

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Heating networks are crucial for decarbonisation. Heat pumps can increase network performance and reduce heat losses by utilising the return flow as a heat source. This project analyses success factors and restrictions of heat pumps in heating networks and the integration of waste heat from room cooling.

Start-up - becoming climate neutral together

Support for charitable and benevolent associations

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Foto eines grünen Läuferteppichs mit dem Wort Start und den Startmarkierungen


The Austrian Energy Agency (AEA) is calling on non-profit and charitable organizations to apply for support in the implementation of climate protection projects as part of its new project "Starthilfe - Gemeinsam klimaneutral werden". On the road to climate neutrality by 2040, the Austrian Energy Agency will support civil society organizations every year in saving CO2 emissions themselves.

Refurbishment of large non-residential buildings with heat pumps

IEA HPT Annex 60

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Fotoausschnitt einer komplett verglasten Fassade eines mehrstöckigen Bürogebäudes


A lack of knowledge about which retrofit options are available with heat pumps is currently hindering the widespread use of the technology in non-residential buildings. In this project, easy-to-use, easily accessible recommendations for the techno-economically optimized planning and design of heat pumps in hospitals, shopping centers, industrial buildings, educational institutions and museums are developed and brought to the relevant target groups in the form of guidelines and training courses.

Our water creates a good climate

New study by the Austrian Energy Agency on investments in renewable energy supply by the municipal water sector.

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[Translate to English:] Wasser im Querschnitt fotographiert


There are many options for saving electrical and thermal energy and untapped potential for generating it in the Austrian housing sector. This report examines the implementation potential by 2027.


Empowering Communities

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SHAREs is an EU-funded initiative and supports so-called local heroes in setting up or expanding their energy community by building up national one-stop-shops.

Participating in energy communities allows consumers to become renewable energy producers, improve energy efficiency, store heat and power, feed energy back into the grid and offer their demand flexibility to the market. Individual consumers thus become collective prosumers.