100% green electricity
Expand renewables for 100% green electricity
Electrical energy accounts for around 20 % of final energy consumption. In a European comparison, Austria is already in a leading position in terms of sustainable power supply, mainly due to the early expansion of hydropower. Almost three quarters of gross electricity consumption is already generated from renewable sources. By 2030, this share is to be increased to 100 % over the year. This requires the expansion of plants that convert hydropower, wind power, solar energy and biomass into electrical energy.
Green electricity is a central building block for climate neutrality
In the next two decades, the relevance of green electricity will increase significantly. First, by 2030, the electricity currently generated from fossil fuels (around 25 %) must be replaced by electricity from renewable energy sources. Second, the overall demand for electricity will increase. The increasing electrification of transport (electromobility on the road and rail) and heat generation (in industry and for space heating, e.g. with heat pumps) is a key driver here. Thirdly, electricity from renewable energy is the basic requirement for the production of green hydrogen (by electrolysis), which means that the demand for electrical energy will also increase sharply in the long term. In order to meet this demand, Austria must massively expand the generation of green electricity.
We provide answers for a 100 % green electricity future
The expansion is a challenge and many levers have to be set in motion to accelerate it: An attractive funding system, sufficient resources from the authorities and specialists, supportive framework conditions (e.g. spatial planning), an increased focus on the topics of participation (e.g .via renewable energy communities) and acceptance at the local level. At the same time, the electricity grids must be modernized and strengthened, and the electricity system as a whole must be designed to be more flexible and intelligent.
We advise our customers from politics, administration and business on how these levers can be set in motion. We develop strategies, provide decision-making bases, calculate scenarios, design new business models and implement numerous projects for the further development of the electricity system.
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