Modern Buildings

Energy efficiency first: modernize buildings

The operation of buildings requires energy, mainly for heating. Natural gas and heating oil are often used for this purpose. The sector is therefore currently responsible for around 10% of Austria's total greenhouse gas emissions. In the area of ​​space heating, which is responsible for almost a quarter of final energy consumption, only around a third of renewable energy is used.

Energy efficiency as a major lever for climate neutrality

In addition to the operation of heating, air conditioning or other devices with renewable energy, the more efficient use of the energy used is a decisive lever. Low heating and cooling loads can be achieved in new buildings through low-energy or passive house construction and by improving the thermal quality of existing buildings - by replacing windows or insulating them.

We provide answers for modern buildings

Our team of construction engineers, architects and experts with an economic background provides answers to the question of what constitutes buildings in the climate-neutral future - and how the built environment can also meet social requirements in addition to ecological aspects. Approaches that accelerate the modernization of buildings and at the same time ensure high quality are particularly important to us.

Contact Persons

Portrait of Günter Simader, Head of Center Buildings & Energy Efficiency Monitoring

Head of Center Buildings & Energy Efficiency Monitoring

DI Dr. Günter Simader Email
Employee Picture of Georg Trnka

Senior Expert | Buildings

Ing. Mag. Georg Trnka Email
Employee Picture of Naghmeh Altmann

Senior Expert | Buildings

DI Naghmeh Altmann-Mavaddat, MSc Email



More transparency and safety for consumers when buying electrical appliances

to the project
Silver washing machine and next to it a tumble dryer with the drum open and some washing hanging out.


The largest EU-funded Europe-wide market surveillance project to date tests air conditioning units, tumble dryers, lighting products and heating appliances, among other things. The goals: Efficiency and energy savings as well as reliable information for consumers.

This is the largest EU market monitoring project in the energy sector ever funded by the European Union (EU). The Austrian Energy Agency is one of 29 partners from 20 EU Member States and Turkey that have joined forces for the project. The EEPLIANT 3 project is the continuation of EEPLIANT 1 and 2.

Amendment to the European Buildings Directive

From nearly zero-energy to zero-emission buildings by 2050

to the project


In December 2023, a political agreement was reached in the negotiations for the revision of the Buildings Directive at EU level. The amendment to the Buildings Directive was formally adopted by the EU Parliament on 12 March 2024 and by the Council on 12 April 2024.


Milestone in EU project for building refurbishment

to the project
Logo des Projektes FinEERGo-Dom


The FinEERGo-Dom project has set itself the goal of revolutionizing building renovations across Europe. The task of the project was to adapt and implement the innovative model of the Latvian Building Energy Efficiency Facility (LABEEF) in five EU countries - Poland, Austria, Romania, Slovakia and Bulgaria. The focus of the project was to facilitate comprehensive or "dEEp" renovations in the building sector by using an energy performance contracting model that guaranteed savings and utilized the capabilities of energy service companies (ESCOs).


Tuning EPC and SRI instruments to deliver full potential

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[Translate to English:]


EU Member States face common challenges in making the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) and the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) work. The aim of the project is to maximise the impact of each instrument and to exploit the synergies of their integration to trigger energy savings.

Energy efficiency measures and potential

Identification of (further) energy efficiency measures and analysis of energy efficiency potential for the implementation of the European Energy Efficiency Directive in Austria

to the project
Zeitrafferfoto von quadratischen Containern mit Lichtlinien bei Nacht


Energy efficiency measures make an important contribution to climate protection, resource conservation, cost savings, competitiveness and social responsibility. In the course of this project, new energy efficiency measures and the associated potential were identified in order to implement the European Energy Efficiency Directive in Austria.


Continues to work on the climate-neutral future of the construction sector

to the project


The primary goal of ReBUSk is to develop a national education and training roadmap to ensure that all necessary skills for climate-neutral construction are available by 2030.


Start-up - becoming climate neutral together

Support for charitable and benevolent associations

to the project
Foto eines grünen Läuferteppichs mit dem Wort Start und den Startmarkierungen


The Austrian Energy Agency (AEA) is calling on non-profit and charitable organizations to apply for support in the implementation of climate protection projects as part of its new project "Starthilfe - Gemeinsam klimaneutral werden". On the road to climate neutrality by 2040, the Austrian Energy Agency will support civil society organizations every year in saving CO2 emissions themselves.

Decentralized hydrogen solutions in climate-neutral districts

Use of stationary fuel cells in integrated energy concepts based on renewable energy sources in energy communities or climate-neutral neighborhoods

to the project
Wortwolke mit Worten aus dem Bereich der Brennstoffzellentechnologie


In the energy system of the future, which will be strongly characterized by decentralized and renewable power generation, decentralized H2

Refurbishment of large non-residential buildings with heat pumps

IEA HPT Annex 60

to the project
Fotoausschnitt einer komplett verglasten Fassade eines mehrstöckigen Bürogebäudes


A lack of knowledge about which retrofit options are available with heat pumps is currently hindering the widespread use of the technology in non-residential buildings. In this project, easy-to-use, easily accessible recommendations for the techno-economically optimized planning and design of heat pumps in hospitals, shopping centers, industrial buildings, educational institutions and museums are developed and brought to the relevant target groups in the form of guidelines and training courses.