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Here you will find all of our current projects listed in chronological order.


The European product database for energy labelling

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EPREL is an initiative designed to improve access to information on energy-related products on the EU market.

Secure power supply with decentralised fuel cells

Use of stationary fuel cells for secure power supply systems based on renewable energy sources.

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The aim of the project is to demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses of fuel cells based on renewable energy sources in comparison to battery solutions and fossil solutions such as diesel generators for specific fields of application (e.g. healthcare facilities, clinics/hospitals, data centres, off-grid applications, etc.).


Streamlining Energy Savings Calculations in the EU Member States +

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The streamSAVE+ project supports authorities in the development of new strategies and the harmonisation of energy saving calculations in the EU.


Boosting joint emergency energy efficiency first interventions

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Image - font logo of save energy together


SaveEnergyTogether is an EU-project that aims to help consumers plan and implement simple and affordable measures that can achieve significant energy savings, and to influence decision-makers in planning energy reduction measures by providing data on changing consumer habits and energy savings.


Local authorities to tackle energy poverty in private multi-apartment buildings

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The LOCATEE project helps local municipalities across Europe tackle energy poverty in private multi-apartment buildings. Using innovative tools and pilot projects in Poland, Portugal, and Greece, it leverages data to identify energy-poor households, implement targeted renovation measures, and integrate long-term strategies into municipal energy plans.

"MitBestimmt Klimafit"

Online guide for the participatory design of climate-friendly public spaces

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In MitBestimmt Klimafit, we developed an online guide that supports municipalities in involving relevant stakeholders and citizens when planning and implementing a climate-friendly transformation of public spaces. The interactive online guide accompanies municipalities step by step through the implementation of a citizen participation process.

Active2Public Transport

Better combining intermodal mobility between cycling, walking and public transport in the Danube region

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The Interreg project "Active2Public Transport" is developing solutions to make the combination of the most climate-friendly forms of mobility - public transport, cycling and walking - simpler and more attractive. To this end, pilot projects are being implemented in nine countries in the Danube region, strategies and regulations are being analysed, examples of good practice are being collected and the professional exchange of relevant stakeholders is being intensified.



Modular laser sources for the sustainable production of short, personalised production series

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WAVETAILOR looks at two use cases that are manufactured using two different laser-based additive manufacturing (LBAM) processes. In the first application, a drone is manufactured using powder bed fusion (PBF), while in the second case, parts of a flow aid for a hydrogen-powered hypersonic aircraft are produced using directed energy deposition (DED).


More transparency and safety for consumers when buying electrical appliances

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Silver washing machine and next to it a tumble dryer with the drum open and some washing hanging out.


The largest EU-funded Europe-wide market surveillance project to date tests air conditioning units, tumble dryers, lighting products and heating appliances, among other things. The goals: Efficiency and energy savings as well as reliable information for consumers.

This is the largest EU market monitoring project in the energy sector ever funded by the European Union (EU). The Austrian Energy Agency is one of 29 partners from 20 EU Member States and Turkey that have joined forces for the project. The EEPLIANT 3 project is the continuation of EEPLIANT 1 and 2.

Amendment to the European Buildings Directive

From nearly zero-energy to zero-emission buildings by 2050

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In December 2023, a political agreement was reached in the negotiations for the revision of the Buildings Directive at EU level. The amendment to the Buildings Directive was formally adopted by the EU Parliament on 12 March 2024 and by the Council on 12 April 2024.


Services supporting suppliers and retailers regarding compliance with ecodesign and labelling legislation

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Logo of the ComplianceServices project


Due to the complexity and constant development of the requirements of ecodesign and labelling for suppliers and retailers, there is a great need for support through information. In cooperation with international associations, this project provides targeted information to stakeholders and enables an efficient support channel with the EU Commission.



Highly efficient heat pump concepts for waste heat utilisation in the process industry

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In the process industry, heat pumps have hardly been used to date despite their high potential. The project uses specific examples to show how heat pumps can supply so far fossil-fuelled processes.


Effects of digitalization on energy consumption and climate in Austria

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Fantasievolles Imagebild mit abstrakten Lichtpunkten im Hinterrund und verbundenen Linien im Vordergrund


In the 3rd call for tenders of the "Energy Transition 2050" programme, the Climate and Energy Fund (KLIEN) financed an R&E service on the topic of "The effects of digitalization on energy consumption and climate in Austria". The Austrian Energy Agency (AEA) was awarded the contract for this tender together with the Austrian Electrical and Electronics Industry Association (FEEI). This study was completed at the end of June 2022.


Milestone in EU project for building refurbishment

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Logo des Projektes FinEERGo-Dom


The FinEERGo-Dom project has set itself the goal of revolutionizing building renovations across Europe. The task of the project was to adapt and implement the innovative model of the Latvian Building Energy Efficiency Facility (LABEEF) in five EU countries - Poland, Austria, Romania, Slovakia and Bulgaria. The focus of the project was to facilitate comprehensive or "dEEp" renovations in the building sector by using an energy performance contracting model that guaranteed savings and utilized the capabilities of energy service companies (ESCOs).


Tuning EPC and SRI instruments to deliver full potential

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EU Member States face common challenges in making the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) and the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) work. The aim of the project is to maximise the impact of each instrument and to exploit the synergies of their integration to trigger energy savings.

EnergyRoads - the path to a climate-neutral future?

Prerequisites for overhead line systems

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Zeitrafferfoto bei Nacht mit Lichtlinien von Autoscheinwerfern auf der Autobahn


While overhead line systems are currently in the test phase in some neighboring European countries, the focus in Austria is currently on acquiring basic knowledge regarding the feasibility of implementation and the expected effects.

Energy efficiency measures and potential

Identification of (further) energy efficiency measures and analysis of energy efficiency potential for the implementation of the European Energy Efficiency Directive in Austria

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Zeitrafferfoto von quadratischen Containern mit Lichtlinien bei Nacht


Energy efficiency measures make an important contribution to climate protection, resource conservation, cost savings, competitiveness and social responsibility. In the course of this project, new energy efficiency measures and the associated potential were identified in order to implement the European Energy Efficiency Directive in Austria.

Preserve, Repair or Rebuild?

A discussion of proposed reform options for the European electricity market

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[Translate to English:] Kind das Jenga spielt


New policy paper by the Austrian Energy Agency on behalf of the BMK


Continues to work on the climate-neutral future of the construction sector

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The primary goal of ReBUSk is to develop a national education and training roadmap to ensure that all necessary skills for climate-neutral construction are available by 2030.



EUropean MOtor REnovation initiative

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[Translate to English:] EU-More Logo


Electric motors have a long lifespan (30-40 years), which means that they are only replaced slowly. Due to this extra-long lifespan, the actual savings from energy efficiency regulations are lower than the projections calculated in the impact assessments. By acting quickly, at least some of this lost savings potential could be made up for, with all the associated benefits.

Analysis "On the gas line"

How Austria became dependent on Russian gas

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Vectorgrafik: Das Land Österreich von einer leinenartigen Kette umschlungen, davor mit einem Vorhängeschloss zugesperrt. Darauf zu sehen - die Farben ruslands


How did Austria come to be one of the countries most dependent on Russian gas supplies?
The Austrian Energy Agency has investigated which energy policy strategies, decisions and measures from 1945 to 2020 led to Austria's above-average exposure to gas supplies and which lines of argumentation have become established over the decades. Last but not least, it shows which conclusions can be drawn for the future and used for a new risk assessment.


Exchange of knowledge for EU energy efficiency policies to achieve energy savings in accordance with the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED)

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[Translate to English:] Logo des Projektes Ensmov plus


ENSMOV plus supports policy makers and EED implementing bodies in the EU Member States and beyond in the further development, implementation and design, monitoring and evaluation of their national energy efficiency policies in accordance with the Energy Efficiency Directive.


Use of green fuels in mobility

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Foto von fahrenden Autos auf der Autobahn


According to the Federal Environment Agency's climate protection report (2022), the transport sector is the most important cause of greenhouse gas emissions in Austria after energy and industry. Around a third of emissions come from transport; emissions have increased significantly since 1990. In order to achieve the goal of climate neutrality by 2040, there is an acute need for action.

Cargoe CO2e neutral

CO2e balance sheet and proposed measures for climate-neutral logistics using the example of Cargoe GmbH & Co KG

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Weiße Lagerhalle mit weißen Regalen gefüllt mit Kartons


The aim of the project was to calculate a comprehensive CO2e balance for Cargoe GmbH & Co KG and to propose concrete improvement measures towards climate neutrality.


CO2e reduction through alternative fuels

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Makroaufnahme von Öl im Wasser


In the project, based on a participatory stakeholder process, a target path for the increased use of alternative fuels in the Austrian transport sector by 2030 was developed together with experts.

Start-up - becoming climate neutral together

Support for charitable and benevolent associations

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Foto eines grünen Läuferteppichs mit dem Wort Start und den Startmarkierungen


The Austrian Energy Agency (AEA) is calling on non-profit and charitable organizations to apply for support in the implementation of climate protection projects as part of its new project "Starthilfe - Gemeinsam klimaneutral werden". On the road to climate neutrality by 2040, the Austrian Energy Agency will support civil society organizations every year in saving CO2 emissions themselves.

Decentralized hydrogen solutions in climate-neutral districts

Use of stationary fuel cells in integrated energy concepts based on renewable energy sources in energy communities or climate-neutral neighborhoods

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Wortwolke mit Worten aus dem Bereich der Brennstoffzellentechnologie


In the energy system of the future, which will be strongly characterized by decentralized and renewable power generation, decentralized H2

Refurbishment of large non-residential buildings with heat pumps

IEA HPT Annex 60

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Fotoausschnitt einer komplett verglasten Fassade eines mehrstöckigen Bürogebäudes


A lack of knowledge about which retrofit options are available with heat pumps is currently hindering the widespread use of the technology in non-residential buildings. In this project, easy-to-use, easily accessible recommendations for the techno-economically optimized planning and design of heat pumps in hospitals, shopping centers, industrial buildings, educational institutions and museums are developed and brought to the relevant target groups in the form of guidelines and training courses.

Our water creates a good climate

New study by the Austrian Energy Agency on investments in renewable energy supply by the municipal water sector.

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[Translate to English:] Wasser im Querschnitt fotographiert


There are many options for saving electrical and thermal energy and untapped potential for generating it in the Austrian housing sector. This report examines the implementation potential by 2027.


Empowering Communities

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SHAREs is an EU-funded initiative and supports so-called local heroes in setting up or expanding their energy community by building up national one-stop-shops.

Participating in energy communities allows consumers to become renewable energy producers, improve energy efficiency, store heat and power, feed energy back into the grid and offer their demand flexibility to the market. Individual consumers thus become collective prosumers.

Research fund for coal and steel

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The Austrian Energy Agency supports the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) in disseminating the activities of the research fund.

Inclusion through Active Mobility

Close the gap

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Nahaufnahme einer Radfahrspeiche in Schwarz-Weiß


People at risk of poverty are rarely specifically addressed in the mobility sector and existing information and support formats are often not prepared in a form suitable for them. In this project, the Austrian Energy Agency and DIE UMWELTBERATUNG are working on tailor-made materials to close this gap and meet their needs.