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Biofuels - CO2e reduction through alternative fuels

The project developed a target pathway for the increased use of alternative fuels in the Austrian transport sector by 2030 on the basis of a participatory stakeholder process together with technical experts.

The project focused on liquid alternative fuels from renewable resources. Biofuels were defined in accordance with the Renewable Energy Directive II (RED II), i.e. first-generation fuels and so-called advanced biofuels were included. At the beginning, the state of the art in the biofuels sector was surveyed and production processes (co-processing, blending) including technological development potentials were analyzed. In addition, the hurdles to blending and co-processing alternative fuels were examined and (vehicle) technological aspects that promote or limit the use of biofuels were investigated. The project also estimated available quantities that could be placed on the market, as well as estimating investment and fuel costs based on literature and expert opinions.

Building on this, a target path for the increased use of alternative fuels by 2030 was defined in a participatory process using guided interviews together with technical experts. Elements of the target path include:

  • Legislative introduction of a minimum blend (B0 -> B7)
  • Legislative increase in bioethanol blending (E10)
  • Public awareness
  • Promotion of innovation
  • Inclusion of alternative fuels in fleet targets and incentives for more intensive use of alternative fuels
  • Promotion of pure use
  • Adaptation for diesel fuels


Project data

Client ÖAMTC
Project management Christoph Link
Project duration July 2019 to January 2020

Contact persons

Employee Picture of Lorenz Strimitzer

Head of Center Renewable Materials & Resources | Head of Service Point Renewable Gases

DI Lorenz Strimitzer Email addresslorenz.strimitzer@energyagency.at