Becoming climate neutral together
About the project
The Austrian Energy Agency (AEA) has launched the project "Starthilfe - Gemeinsam klimaneutral werden" in 2023: On the way to the long-term goal of becoming climate neutral, we will support civil society organizations every year in saving CO2 emissions themselves as well as investing in renewable energy.
Project background
The Austrian Energy Agency provides answers for a climate-neutral future. This also applies internally - with the calculation of CO2e emissions generated at the office location and through business trips (Scope 1 and 2). These greenhouse gas emissions are to be continuously reduced in the coming years, with the long-term goal of becoming climate neutral. At the same time as reducing our own emissions, other organizations are to be supported on the path to climate neutrality.
2023: Photovoltaic system for Caritas residential building in Schrems
This year, the Austrian Energy Agency supported a project by Caritas St. Pölten: The residential home in Schrems, which is currently home to around 25 people with disabilities, has also been fitted with a photovoltaic system as part of an extension. The two PV modules make a significant contribution to the fact that the home can now generate a large proportion of its own electricity from renewable sources. In the new part of the building, a place to stay has been created for residents who are already retired - they can now use solar power directly for all activities during the day.
2024: New project call
From the beginning of next year, the Austrian Energy Agency will once again be calling on non-profit associations and organizations to submit their climate protection projects. More details will follow shortly.
(Video ist only available in german)