Emission-free mobility

Rely on emission-free, efficient and active mobility

In 2018, traffic was responsible for almost 36 % of final energy consumption and, at 31 %, a major cause of Austrian greenhouse gas emissions. The share of renewable energies in this sector is only 10 %. On the way to climate neutrality by 2040 - the declared goal of the Austrian federal government - reducing emissions in the mobility sector is one of the greatest challenges. Solving this requires a large bundle of different measures.

Greenhouse gas emissions in Austria from 1990 to 2018. Greenhouse gas emissions from transport have increased by 75 % since 1990, with road transport accounting for the majority (97 %) – their share of total emissions was 31 % in 2018. (Data: Umweltbundesamt - Federal Environment Agency 2020)


Avoid – Shift – Improve

The package of measures for climate-friendly transport systems is based on the principle "avoid - shift - improve". Short distances, for example through the revitalization of town centers or technical solutions, for example for web conferences instead of business trips, help to avoid traffic. In addition to intelligent mobility management and many other measures (ridesharing, carpooling ...), spatial planning plays a major role here.

Our need for mobility will remain. It is therefore important to promote emission-free mobility methods in order to shift the transport process to them. This means expanding public transport such as trains and buses and ensuring pan-European connectivity. The corona crisis has also shown that infrastructure for cycling and walking will be particularly important in the future. In freight transport, shifting transport volumes from road to rail is crucial.

Any traffic that cannot be avoided or shifted must be improved. The switch to electromobility in motorized individual transport (cars and two-wheelers) and the development of emission-free drives in heavy traffic (trucks, shipping and air traffic) are central here. In the case of the latter, in addition to battery-electric mobility, the use of green hydrogen is also an important option.

We provide answers for emission-free mobility

Due to the strong interrelationships with the energy system, mobility is an integral part of our work and plays a major role in projects related to scenario development as well as climate and energy policy. The focus is always on the following goals: Get out of the use of fossil fuels and dependency on imports, into renewable energy sources and the greatest possible domestic added value.

In addition, with our transport system experts, spatial planners and technicians, we also provide answers to specific questions for the mobility of the future. We are focusing on accelerating the market penetration of electromobility or expanding offers and infrastructure for all aspects of active mobility (focus: bicycles).

Contact Persons

[Translate to German:] Mitarbeiterfoto von Christoph Link, Senior Expert Mobility & Spatial Planning

Head of Center Mobility

DI Dipl.-Geogr. Christoph Link Email addresschristoph.link@energyagency.at
Employee foto von Reinhard Jellinek

Senior Expert | Mobility

Mag. Reinhard Jellinek Email addressreinhard.jellinek@energyagency.at


Active2Public Transport

Better combining intermodal mobility between cycling, walking and public transport in the Danube region

to the project


The Interreg project "Active2Public Transport" is developing solutions to make the combination of the most climate-friendly forms of mobility - public transport, cycling and walking - simpler and more attractive. To this end, pilot projects are being implemented in nine countries in the Danube region, strategies and regulations are being analysed, examples of good practice are being collected and the professional exchange of relevant stakeholders is being intensified.


EnergyRoads - the path to a climate-neutral future?

Prerequisites for overhead line systems

to the project
Zeitrafferfoto bei Nacht mit Lichtlinien von Autoscheinwerfern auf der Autobahn


While overhead line systems are currently in the test phase in some neighboring European countries, the focus in Austria is currently on acquiring basic knowledge regarding the feasibility of implementation and the expected effects.

Energy efficiency measures and potential

Identification of (further) energy efficiency measures and analysis of energy efficiency potential for the implementation of the European Energy Efficiency Directive in Austria

to the project
Zeitrafferfoto von quadratischen Containern mit Lichtlinien bei Nacht


Energy efficiency measures make an important contribution to climate protection, resource conservation, cost savings, competitiveness and social responsibility. In the course of this project, new energy efficiency measures and the associated potential were identified in order to implement the European Energy Efficiency Directive in Austria.


Use of green fuels in mobility

to the project
Foto von fahrenden Autos auf der Autobahn


According to the Federal Environment Agency's climate protection report (2022), the transport sector is the most important cause of greenhouse gas emissions in Austria after energy and industry. Around a third of emissions come from transport; emissions have increased significantly since 1990. In order to achieve the goal of climate neutrality by 2040, there is an acute need for action.

Cargoe CO2e neutral

CO2e balance sheet and proposed measures for climate-neutral logistics using the example of Cargoe GmbH & Co KG

to the project
Weiße Lagerhalle mit weißen Regalen gefüllt mit Kartons


The aim of the project was to calculate a comprehensive CO2e balance for Cargoe GmbH & Co KG and to propose concrete improvement measures towards climate neutrality.


CO2e reduction through alternative fuels

to the project
Makroaufnahme von Öl im Wasser


In the project, based on a participatory stakeholder process, a target path for the increased use of alternative fuels in the Austrian transport sector by 2030 was developed together with experts.

Inclusion through Active Mobility

Close the gap

to the project
Nahaufnahme einer Radfahrspeiche in Schwarz-Weiß


People at risk of poverty are rarely specifically addressed in the mobility sector and existing information and support formats are often not prepared in a form suitable for them. In this project, the Austrian Energy Agency and DIE UMWELTBERATUNG are working on tailor-made materials to close this gap and meet their needs.