Renewable heat

Off oil and natural gas for space heating

The building sector accounts for around 10 percent of total greenhouse gas emissions or 16 percent of those emissions that are not covered by the EU-ETS emissions trading system. These largely come from burning fossil fuels to provide space heating and hot water. With a share of just 0.2 percent of all heating systems installed in Austrian households, the phase-out of coal is almost complete. The challenge lies with other fossil energy sources, because there are still more than 600,000 oil heating systems in households and more than 900,000 heating systems that are primarily powered by natural gas. In addition, there are numerous fossil fuel-powered heating systems in the commercial sector such as the hotel industry.

Number of oil and gas heating systems in Austrian households (main residences) in 2017/2018 by province. Strong regional differences in the distribution of oil and gas heating systems can be seen. (Data: Statistics Austria 2020)

Exit from fossil fuels for space heating by 2040

The phase-out of fossil fuels in the space heating sector is an essential prerequisite for achieving climate neutrality by 2040 and is also specifically addressed in the government program with regard to coal, oil and natural gas. A federal law will regulate the phase-out of oil, coal and natural gas in the building sector in a phased plan.

The aim is to supply heat entirely on the basis of renewable energy sources using biomass technologies, solar, geothermal and ambient heat. At the same time, local and district heating is to be expanded and its generation also freed from coal, oil and natural gas.The replacement of heating systems with climate-friendly solutions ideally also takes place in conjunction with a modernization of the building - Efficiency First.

We provide answers for the future of climate-neutral heating

Efficient and climate-friendly heating systems have always been the focus of our activities. We combine expertise in the field of building technology with a view of the entire energy system. This enables us to provide optimal support to business, politics, interest groups and administration in the development of measures in the heating sector and to assist business representatives in the strategic development of their solutions.

In addition to our projects, klimaaktiv, the federal government's climate protection initiative, also plays a key role in tackling this challenge with numerous guides, training courses and signposts, such as the klimaaktiv heating matrix.



Heat and cold from and for district heating networks using heat pumps

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Heating networks are crucial for decarbonisation. Heat pumps can increase network performance and reduce heat losses by utilising the return flow as a heat source. This project analyses success factors and restrictions of heat pumps in heating networks and the integration of waste heat from room cooling.


Streamlining Energy Savings Calculations in the EU Member States +

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The streamSAVE+ project supports authorities in the development of new strategies and the harmonisation of energy saving calculations in the EU.


Highly efficient heat pump concepts for waste heat utilisation in the process industry

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In the process industry, heat pumps have hardly been used to date despite their high potential. The project uses specific examples to show how heat pumps can supply so far fossil-fuelled processes.


Milestone in EU project for building refurbishment

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Logo des Projektes FinEERGo-Dom


The FinEERGo-Dom project has set itself the goal of revolutionizing building renovations across Europe. The task of the project was to adapt and implement the innovative model of the Latvian Building Energy Efficiency Facility (LABEEF) in five EU countries - Poland, Austria, Romania, Slovakia and Bulgaria. The focus of the project was to facilitate comprehensive or "dEEp" renovations in the building sector by using an energy performance contracting model that guaranteed savings and utilized the capabilities of energy service companies (ESCOs).

Start-up - becoming climate neutral together

Support for charitable and benevolent associations

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Foto eines grünen Läuferteppichs mit dem Wort Start und den Startmarkierungen


The Austrian Energy Agency (AEA) is calling on non-profit and charitable organizations to apply for support in the implementation of climate protection projects as part of its new project "Starthilfe - Gemeinsam klimaneutral werden". On the road to climate neutrality by 2040, the Austrian Energy Agency will support civil society organizations every year in saving CO2 emissions themselves.

Our water creates a good climate

New study by the Austrian Energy Agency on investments in renewable energy supply by the municipal water sector.

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[Translate to English:] Wasser im Querschnitt fotographiert


There are many options for saving electrical and thermal energy and untapped potential for generating it in the Austrian housing sector. This report examines the implementation potential by 2027.