Diversity at the Austrian Energy Agency
The Austrian Energy Agency champions diversity across seven key dimensions: age, ethnic origin, gender, cognitive/physical impairments, religious/faith affiliation, sexual orientation, and social background. Viewing diversity as a source of enrichment, the AEA acknowledges its presence within the company, fostering more productive and inclusive teams, deeper cultural understanding, and an enhanced potential for new synergies and diverse perspectives to inform our projects.
The AEA champions diversity across seven dimensons: age, ethnicity, gender, cognitive/physical impairments, religion, sexual orientation, and social background.
Graphic: Austrian Energy Agency

General Equality Plan (GEP)
The Austrian Energy Agency is committed to advancing gender equality, fostering an open and supportive corporate culture wherein the skills and dedication of employees are highly valued. It is therefore imperative for the Austrian Energy Agency to cultivate a workplace environment in which all genders can contribute and flourish equally, free from stereotypical assumptions that may impede progress on both individual and structural level.
The Austrian Energy Agency's GEP is intended as a guideline for implementing planned measures and is regularly expanded and refined.
Use of gender-inclusive language
Language not only mirrors societal norms but also shapes our perceptions. At the Austrian Energy Agency, we actively contribute to visibility, equality, and respectful treatment of all genders through conscious language use. Recognising language's dynamic nature, we anticipate potential revisions to this guideline on non-discriminatory language in the future.
Guide: Use of Gender-Inclusive Language (only German)
Monitoring ensures continuous observation of the current statue of gender equality within the Austrian Energy Agency. By consistently evaluating predefined indicators, we assess the effectiveness of applied measures.
Findings from monitoring activities are regularly analysed and subject to discussion, with the monitoring process continually evolving.
Gender distribution by working time model in the Austrian Energy Agency; as of December 2023
(Note: Current data do not reflect self-identification in terms of diversity.)

Gender distribution by position
in the Austrian Energy Agency; as of December 2023
(In heads, not by full-time equivalent. The management consists of two people)

Total age distribution in
the Austrian Energy Agency; as at: December 2023

Total educational qualifications in
the Austrian Energy Agency; as at: December 2023