Robust infrastructure
A robust grid infrastructure for a secure energy system
Numerous sectors and areas of life will be powered by green electricity in the future, i.e. electrified. Electricity from renewable sources will therefore play a much more important role in the energy system of the future. In addition to hydropower, solar and wind power in particular will make a major contribution. However, a high proportion of fluctuating renewable energy sources in electricity generation poses a challenge for security and quality of supply.
In the past, energy was supplied by large power plants depending on demand. This system is now being replaced by a new one, which must enable a balance to be struck between the provision of renewable, decentrally produced energy, which can only be regulated and planned to a limited extent, and the most flexible use possible.
The electricity system of the future will adapt to the changing electricity mix. The expansion of grid capacities together with the ability to be more flexible are key factors here. An important element is storage, such as pumped storage power plants or, in future, stationary battery storage. In addition, greater coupling of the electricity, heat and transport sectors is necessary. Electrolysers can use green electricity to produce hydrogen that can be stored. Flexible gas-fired power plants powered by green gas or hydrogen will serve as controllable electricity generators.
We provide answers to a robust grid infrastructure for the energy future
Digitalization and new technologies are the basis for this grid infrastructure of the energy future. This requires framework conditions and legal regulations. Employees with the relevant expertise are essential. We create scenarios and assessments to make the conversion of the grids plannable - and therefore safe
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