
The information on this website is subject to an imprint, a copyright notice, a disclaimer, provisions on the protection of personal data and a note on gender-neutral wording.

Austrian Energy Agency - Austrian Energy Agency
Mariahilfer Straße 136
1150 Vienna
Phone: +43 (0)1 586 15 24-0

ZVR number: 914305190
DVR: 0682730
UID number: ATU 36817502

Association structure and Statutes of the Austrian Energy Agency


© Austrian Energy Agency

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The Austrian Energy Agency cannot guarantee that the version of a document available online corresponds exactly to the official version. Only legal acts of the Republic of Austria, which are usually published in paper form in the legally prescribed manner in the "Federal Law Gazette of the Republic of Austria", are binding.

Translation of this website

The English translations provided on this website have been generated using DeepL, an automated translation service. While we strive to ensure the accuracy and clarity of the translations, please be aware that they may contain errors or inconsistencies. The original content, written in german, should be considered the authoritative source. We do not accept any liability for inaccuracies, errors, or misunderstandings arising from the use of the translated content.

Protection of personal data

The Austrian Energy Agency respects the privacy of users. All information is treated confidentially in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations. Data will not be passed on to third parties.

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An online service of this website is a tool provided on the Internet to improve communication between citizens and companies and the Austrian Energy Agency.

On websites for which such information is required, details in the respective notices provide information about the use of your data.

Note on gender-neutral wording

Language not only reflects social conditions, but also shapes our perception. At the Austrian Energy Agency, we actively contribute to the equality of all genders and to an appreciative approach to everyone through the conscious use of our language. In its publications and media appearances, the Austrian Energy Agency strives to use language that expresses gender equality (non-discriminatory, gender-equitable and inclusive language).

Gender colon

The common formal means of representing gender diversity are the gender gap (Mitarbeiter_innen), the gender asterisk (Mitarbeiter*innen) and the gender colon (Mitarbeiter:innen). They go beyond the binary male/female designations that have also been used in the course of the development of gender-appropriate speaking and writing through the use of the capital Binnen-I (MitarbeiterInnen) or the use of the masculine and feminine forms (der Mitarbeiter/die Mitarbeiterin).

In order to make the reality of gender diversity linguistically visible, the Austrian Energy Agency has decided to use the gender colon.

In contrast to the internal I, the gender colon does not protrude beyond the typeface and is therefore hardly detrimental to the reading flow. Unlike the gender asterisk, it also works with most screen readers. The Austrian Energy Agency uses the gender colon in line with the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK).

We are aware that language is a living thing and continues to evolve. Therefore, there may also be further adaptations in the area of non-discriminatory language (such as other special characters) in the future.

If gender-neutral language is not used in a text, this is not intentional. Please help and inform us in this case. In any case, all personal formulations refer to all genders.