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Qualified workforce

Qualified workforce for the major conversion

The energy transition is also referred to as the restructuring of the energy system, and this can also be understood in the literal sense. Whether it's the massive expansion of photovoltaics, more wind power or the replacement of old, fossil heating systems and thermal refurbishment - domestic trade and crafts are in demand. But know-how transfer is also needed in other areas, for example when a new energy efficiency label is introduced in the retail sector.

On the one hand, these are great opportunities with corresponding added value in the country; on the other hand, capacities and, above all, specialist skills need to be built up. This requires appropriate measures.

Qualification measures

The Austrian Energy Agency implements numerous – including international – projects that involve the training and qualification of workers. Low-threshold and innovative formats are developed and used.

Contact person

Employee Picture of Georg Trnka

Senior Expert | Buildings

Ing. Mag. Georg Trnka Email addressgeorg.trnka@energyagency.at
[Translate to German:] Mitarbeiterfoto von Bernd Schäppi, Head of Center End-user Technologies & Devices

Head of Center End-user Technologies & Devices

Dr. Bernd Schäppi Email addressbernd.schaeppi@energyagency.at

Interesting links on the topic



Continues to work on the climate-neutral future of the construction sector

to the project


The primary goal of ReBUSk is to develop a national education and training roadmap to ensure that all necessary skills for climate-neutral construction are available by 2030.