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ReBUSk continues to work on the climate-neutral future of the construction sector

Drastically reducing greenhouse gas emissions is not just a concern for us, it is essential if we are to achieve our climate targets by 2040. In line with this, the building sector, efficient buildings, has a central role to play. Buildings account for around 40 percent of energy consumption and 36 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU.

However, constructing energy-efficient buildings is not easy. Cross-trade cooperation in construction and the qualifications of skilled workers are particularly important. For this reason, the European Commission dedicated itself to the qualification of building specialists in 2011-2013 with the "BUILD UP Skills" initiative. The intention behind this was to achieve an optimum level of training among skilled workers for the areas of building renovation and new construction.

After that, the CrossCraft, NEWCOM and BUSLeague projects were designed and carried out. Within the framework of these projects, practice-oriented training units for specialists were developed and implemented together with further education institutes and representatives of the industry.

Until now, the focus was on the necessary qualification of skilled craftsmen. In the ReBUSk project (Reboot BUILD UP Skills Austria), there is no longer any restriction in this regard. The focus of ReBUSk is on further developing the national roadmap to 2020 - which was drawn up as part of the first phase of the initiative - and adapting it to both the European and national targets for 2030. The aim is to ensure that all the necessary competencies for climate-neutral construction are available in Austria by 2030 at the latest.

Project website

Projekt data

Client European Climate Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency LIFE21-CET-BUILDSKILLS
Project management Georg Trnka
Projectteam Elisabeth Sibille
Naghmeh Altmann-Mavaddat
Projectpartner Donau Universität Krems - Department für Bauen und Umwelt www.donau-uni.ac.at/dbu
Energie Agentur Steiermark GmbH www.ea-stmk.at
Österreichisches Institut für Berufsbildungsforschung www.oeibf.at
Technische Universität Graz – Life Long Learning www.lifelonglearning.tugraz.at
Project duration October 2022 to February 2024

Contact person

Employee Picture of Georg Trnka

Senior Expert | Buildings

Ing. Mag. Georg Trnka Email addressgeorg.trnka@energyagency.at