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A Political Frame

Creating the political framework for climate neutrality

In order to effectively minimize the serious effects of the climate crisis, greenhouse gas emissions must be drastically and rapidly reduced. The central guideline for this project is the Paris Climate Agreement, which stipulates limiting the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels, if possible to 1.5°C.

The European Union wants to become climate-neutral by 2050, while the Austrian federal government has set itself the goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2040. Climate neutrality means that there is a balance between sources and sinks for greenhouse gas emissions, with net emissions at zero ("net zero").

On a linear reduction path, Austria's net emissions would have to be reduced by an average of 4.8% per year in order to achieve greenhouse gas neutrality by 2040. (simplified illustration that does not take into account a "Paris-compatible" CO2 budget, as envisaged in the government agreement)

A political framework sets the course for the missionzero, the path to climate neutrality

The commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement and the climate targets derived from it requires decisive action at various levels of governance: international climate diplomacy is necessary to ensure global progress. The European Green Deal and associated directives, regulations and acts are formative for the member states and dominate the political and legal scope at national level. In addition to the federal government, the municipalities, federal states and associated authorities also play a key role in shaping the political framework for achieving climate neutrality.

The range of possible policy instruments is broad. Many experts consider the pricing of greenhouse gas emissions (e.g. emissions trading system, taxes, carbon border adjustment) to be an economically effective measure for triggering climate-friendly behavior. Regulatory measures (e.g. bans, standards, quotas) are also effective instruments. To support new technologies in penetrating the market, subsidies and other measures are necessary (e.g. market premiums, grants, innovation support, special regulatory zones, financing of demonstration projects). In addition, information and awareness-raising as well as ensuring an enabling environment (e.g. education and training, availability of skilled workers and human resources in administration) are an indispensable part of energy and climate policy.

We provide answers for a climate-neutral future

The analysis and evidence-based design of political framework conditions has been an important focus of our activities since the Austrian Energy Agency was founded in 1977. We develop the basis for climate and energy strategies (e.g. National Energy and Climate Plan, Salzburg Master Plan) and analyze and provide facts for laws and funding programs. We also play a coordinating and moderating role in shaping energy and climate policy frameworks (e.g. Concerted Action on the EU Renewable Energy Directive) and implementing awareness-raising initiatives (e.g. klimaaktiv).

With this in mind, we not only advise politicians and administrations, but also companies and their representatives on the monitoring or implementation of policy measures (e.g. Energy Efficiency Act).We are characterized by our expertise on current developments in EU, federal and state policy and a holistic, independent perspective that allows us to classify developments based on facts and independently of individual interests.

Contact person

Head of Center Energy Economics & Infrastructure

DI Günter Pauritsch Email addressguenter.pauritsch@energyagency.at



The European product database for energy labelling

to the project


EPREL is an initiative designed to improve access to information on energy-related products on the EU market.


Local authorities to tackle energy poverty in private multi-apartment buildings

to the project


The LOCATEE project helps local municipalities across Europe tackle energy poverty in private multi-apartment buildings. Using innovative tools and pilot projects in Poland, Portugal, and Greece, it leverages data to identify energy-poor households, implement targeted renovation measures, and integrate long-term strategies into municipal energy plans.

Amendment to the European Buildings Directive

From nearly zero-energy to zero-emission buildings by 2050

to the project


In December 2023, a political agreement was reached in the negotiations for the revision of the Buildings Directive at EU level. The amendment to the Buildings Directive was formally adopted by the EU Parliament on 12 March 2024 and by the Council on 12 April 2024.


Services supporting suppliers and retailers regarding compliance with ecodesign and labelling legislation

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Logo of the ComplianceServices project


Due to the complexity and constant development of the requirements of ecodesign and labelling for suppliers and retailers, there is a great need for support through information. In cooperation with international associations, this project provides targeted information to stakeholders and enables an efficient support channel with the EU Commission.


Analysis "On the gas line"

How Austria became dependent on Russian gas

to the project
Vectorgrafik: Das Land Österreich von einer leinenartigen Kette umschlungen, davor mit einem Vorhängeschloss zugesperrt. Darauf zu sehen - die Farben ruslands


How did Austria come to be one of the countries most dependent on Russian gas supplies?
The Austrian Energy Agency has investigated which energy policy strategies, decisions and measures from 1945 to 2020 led to Austria's above-average exposure to gas supplies and which lines of argumentation have become established over the decades. Last but not least, it shows which conclusions can be drawn for the future and used for a new risk assessment.


Exchange of knowledge for EU energy efficiency policies to achieve energy savings in accordance with the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED)

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[Translate to English:] Logo des Projektes Ensmov plus


ENSMOV plus supports policy makers and EED implementing bodies in the EU Member States and beyond in the further development, implementation and design, monitoring and evaluation of their national energy efficiency policies in accordance with the Energy Efficiency Directive.

Energieszenario für Österreich

to the project
Fotomontage: Hände halten eine Landschaft, auf der erneuerbare Energieträger, Stadt, See, Flugzeug und Co zu sehen sind


Im Auftrag des BMWFW wurden von der Österreichischen Energieagentur modellgestützte Szenarien zur möglichen Entwicklung des Energieverbrauchs und der Energiebereitstellung in Österreich bis 2030 entwickelt.