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Strategy & Consulting

More than 100 experts from a wide range of disciplines at the Austrian Energy Agency provide scientific advice to politicians, businesses, administrations and international organizations. They support them in restructuring the energy system and implementing measures to tackle the climate crisis.

This includes, in particular, strategic and technical advice on a wide range of energy topics, support for stakeholder processes and the preparation of decision bases or policy papers.Our strategy consulting is usually based on studies, models and analyses:

  • Conception and implementation of national and international projects and studies
  • Development of energy and economic models
  • Market and potential analyses
  • Feasibility studies and evaluations



Streamlining Energy Savings Calculations in the EU Member States +

to the project


The streamSAVE+ project supports authorities in the development of new strategies and the harmonisation of energy saving calculations in the EU.

"MitBestimmt Klimafit"

Online guide for the participatory design of climate-friendly public spaces

to the project
[Translate to English:]


In MitBestimmt Klimafit, we developed an online guide that supports municipalities in involving relevant stakeholders and citizens when planning and implementing a climate-friendly transformation of public spaces. The interactive online guide accompanies municipalities step by step through the implementation of a citizen participation process.


Services supporting suppliers and retailers regarding compliance with ecodesign and labelling legislation

to the project
Logo of the ComplianceServices project


Due to the complexity and constant development of the requirements of ecodesign and labelling for suppliers and retailers, there is a great need for support through information. In cooperation with international associations, this project provides targeted information to stakeholders and enables an efficient support channel with the EU Commission.


EnergyRoads - the path to a climate-neutral future?

Prerequisites for overhead line systems

to the project
Zeitrafferfoto bei Nacht mit Lichtlinien von Autoscheinwerfern auf der Autobahn


While overhead line systems are currently in the test phase in some neighboring European countries, the focus in Austria is currently on acquiring basic knowledge regarding the feasibility of implementation and the expected effects.

Energy efficiency measures and potential

Identification of (further) energy efficiency measures and analysis of energy efficiency potential for the implementation of the European Energy Efficiency Directive in Austria

to the project
Zeitrafferfoto von quadratischen Containern mit Lichtlinien bei Nacht


Energy efficiency measures make an important contribution to climate protection, resource conservation, cost savings, competitiveness and social responsibility. In the course of this project, new energy efficiency measures and the associated potential were identified in order to implement the European Energy Efficiency Directive in Austria.

Preserve, Repair or Rebuild?

A discussion of proposed reform options for the European electricity market

to the project
[Translate to English:] Kind das Jenga spielt


New policy paper by the Austrian Energy Agency on behalf of the BMK


Use of green fuels in mobility

to the project
Foto von fahrenden Autos auf der Autobahn


According to the Federal Environment Agency's climate protection report (2022), the transport sector is the most important cause of greenhouse gas emissions in Austria after energy and industry. Around a third of emissions come from transport; emissions have increased significantly since 1990. In order to achieve the goal of climate neutrality by 2040, there is an acute need for action.

Cargoe CO2e neutral

CO2e balance sheet and proposed measures for climate-neutral logistics using the example of Cargoe GmbH & Co KG

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Weiße Lagerhalle mit weißen Regalen gefüllt mit Kartons


The aim of the project was to calculate a comprehensive CO2e balance for Cargoe GmbH & Co KG and to propose concrete improvement measures towards climate neutrality.


CO2e reduction through alternative fuels

to the project
Makroaufnahme von Öl im Wasser


In the project, based on a participatory stakeholder process, a target path for the increased use of alternative fuels in the Austrian transport sector by 2030 was developed together with experts.

Start-up - becoming climate neutral together

Support for charitable and benevolent associations

to the project
Foto eines grünen Läuferteppichs mit dem Wort Start und den Startmarkierungen


The Austrian Energy Agency (AEA) is calling on non-profit and charitable organizations to apply for support in the implementation of climate protection projects as part of its new project "Starthilfe - Gemeinsam klimaneutral werden". On the road to climate neutrality by 2040, the Austrian Energy Agency will support civil society organizations every year in saving CO2 emissions themselves.