Research & Innovation

Research, development and innovation as a driving force

We will achieve a climate-neutral future if we create something new and dare to try something new. We create something new through research and development (R&D) - by turning our ideas into reality and further improving what is already good. We dare to do new things through innovation - by implementing planned and controlled change. These are also the main driving forces behind the reorganisation of the energy system. The competitiveness of our companies and Austria is inextricably linked to this. These changes cannot only be tried out in the laboratory; people are also an important part of this transformation. Often we hardly notice the improvements, but sometimes completely new things are created and the new ideas have a disruptive effect (internet, smartphone ...).

Investing in the future pays off

Public spending on research, development and demonstration projects in the energy sector totalled 310.8 million euros in 2023. The figure for 2021, by far the highest ever recorded in Austria, was therefore exceeded, with an increase of 96.3 million euros (an increase of 44.9 %) compared to 2022.

Expenditure by main topic in 2023 and change compared to the previous year

Graphic: Austrian Energy Agency

Expenditure by main topic in 2023 and change compared to the previous year. Topics: Energy efficiency, cross-cutting issues, hydrogen and fuel cells, transmission, storage and other, renewable energy, fossil energy and nuclear energy

We provide answers for the design of R&E programs

The Austrian Energy Agency advises and supports the federal ministries on energy-related issues in research and innovation programs. In national programs the focus is on design and monitoring, in European and international programs it is on co-design.

Contact person

Head of Center Research & Innovation

DI Andreas Indinger Email


Secure power supply with decentralised fuel cells

Use of stationary fuel cells for secure power supply systems based on renewable energy sources.

to the project


The aim of the project is to demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses of fuel cells based on renewable energy sources in comparison to battery solutions and fossil solutions such as diesel generators for specific fields of application (e.g. healthcare facilities, clinics/hospitals, data centres, off-grid applications, etc.).

Active2Public Transport

Better combining intermodal mobility between cycling, walking and public transport in the Danube region

to the project


The Interreg project "Active2Public Transport" is developing solutions to make the combination of the most climate-friendly forms of mobility - public transport, cycling and walking - simpler and more attractive. To this end, pilot projects are being implemented in nine countries in the Danube region, strategies and regulations are being analysed, examples of good practice are being collected and the professional exchange of relevant stakeholders is being intensified.



Modular laser sources for the sustainable production of short, personalised production series

to the project


WAVETAILOR looks at two use cases that are manufactured using two different laser-based additive manufacturing (LBAM) processes. In the first application, a drone is manufactured using powder bed fusion (PBF), while in the second case, parts of a flow aid for a hydrogen-powered hypersonic aircraft are produced using directed energy deposition (DED).

Use of green fuels in mobility

to the project
Foto von fahrenden Autos auf der Autobahn


According to the Federal Environment Agency's climate protection report (2022), the transport sector is the most important cause of greenhouse gas emissions in Austria after energy and industry. Around a third of emissions come from transport; emissions have increased significantly since 1990. In order to achieve the goal of climate neutrality by 2040, there is an acute need for action.

Research fund for coal and steel

to the project


The Austrian Energy Agency supports the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) in disseminating the activities of the research fund.