Gas Price Index
Here, you will find answers to frequently asked questions about our indices.
Comparison of the two ÖGPI methods: January 2015 to November 2018 (new: based on the 3 front month methodology)
Source: Central European Gas Hub; calculations: Austrian Energy Agency

The Austrian Gas Price Index (ÖGPI) is a wholesale price index, reflecting the pure energy price. Notably, network fees, taxes, and duties, which are typically included in the gas bills of end customers, are not taken into account.
More details and the monthly press release are only available in German.
The Austrian Energy Agency and all experts involved in creating the indices carefully prepared their calculations and comments on the content. However, transmission or content errors cannot be entirely ruled out. The Austrian Energy Agency therefore assumes no liability for the accuracy, completeness, and topicality of the content, in particular with regard to any potential direct or indirect damages arising from the direct or indirect use of the information provided.