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Inclusion through Active Mobility

The project "Inclusion through Active Mobility" will make a significant contribution to anchoring sustainable mobility more firmly among people at risk of poverty or exclusion. They are rarely addressed specifically and existing information and support formats on mobility topics are often not prepared in a suitable form, as this target group(s) often do not have the time or resources to deal with sophisticated tools and materials.

Therefore, the Austrian Energy Agency and DIE UMWELTBERATUNG will work together to develop tailor-made materials that meet their needs. The materials will not only include general info on sustainable mobility, but in particular detailed info on bicycles as a content focus, complemented by information relevant to low-income households, such as low-cost procurement and repair options. The messages will be conveyed clearly, with as few words as possible, supplemented by visualising elements. The developed documents will be tested by DIE UMWELTBERATUNG in the context of consultations for low-income households in Vienna, as the province with the highest proportion of people at risk of poverty, directly in the work with affected persons, in order to record and incorporate their feedback regarding the content and its relevance, comprehensibility and other criteria. The finalised material will then be disseminated to key multipliers in the energy and social sectors to ensure its sustainable and broadest possible use in practice. In addition, the developed contents will also be included in the DIE UMWELTBERATUNG's energie-führerschein® in order to anchor the topic of mobility more strongly there and to additionally disseminate the project results via this qualification format.


Client Climat and Energy Fund
Project management Austrian Energy Agency
Projectteam Kerstin Schilcher
Altan Sahin
Projectpartner Die Umweltberatung
Project duration September 2021 to November 2022


[Translate to German:] Mitarbeiterfoto von Kerstin Schilcher, Senior Expert Consumer Behaviour

Senior Expert | Consumer Behaviour

Kerstin Schilcher, BA, MA Email addresskerstin.schilcher@energyagency.at
[Translate to German:] Mitarbeiterfoto von Altan Sahin, Junior Expert

Senior Expert | Consumer Behaviour

DI Altan Sahin Email addressaltan.sahin@energyagency.at