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EUropean MOtor REnovation initiative

Electric motors have a long lifespan (30-40 years), which means they are slow to be replaced. Due to this extra-long lifespan, the actual savings from energy efficiency regulations are lower than the projections calculated in the impact assessments. By acting quickly, at least some of this lost savings potential could be made up for, with all the associated benefits.


In 2020, electric motors accounted for around 70% of electricity consumption in industry in the EU-27 (650 TWh/year) and more than 40% of electricity consumption in the tertiary sector (255 TWh/year)

The growing awareness of this significant consumption among policy makers, manufacturers and end users in the industry has led to the introduction of minimum energy efficiency standards and energy efficient technologies that meet or exceed these standards. From July 2023, 2-, 4- and 6-pole 3-phase motors in the 75 kW to 200 kW power range (that are not brake motors or explosion-proof motors) must already comply with energy efficiency class IE4.

The average service life of motors is usually given as 12 to 20 years. Recent major field studies in the USA and Europe have shown that these average values significantly underestimate the actual service life, as motors up to twice as old are still in operation.

This long lifespan of electric motors slows the penetration of high-efficiency technologies, delaying and reducing the realization of potential energy savings. The potential savings can be even greater if, in addition to installing a high-efficiency motor, the efficiency of the entire motor system is also improved. This includes correctly dimensioning the motor, digitalization, installing sensors, removing unneeded gears, equipping the motor with frequency converters, etc.

Mainly materials that are recyclable and have a high residual value (cast iron, electrical steel, unalloyed steel, aluminum, copper) are used for the construction of electric motors. As part of the EU-MORE project, a specific survey will be carried out to describe the state of the art in the recycling of electric motors, which will be assessed against the Circular Economy Action Plan and the Sustainable Products Initiative.

Objective of the project

Assess past and current programs in the promotion of energy-efficient electric motors and motor systems and propose policy measures to accelerate the deployment of high-efficiency motors

Develop a model to analyze the impact of existing and new policies on electric motors, collect data for the model and analyze different scenarios for policy implementation and their outcomes in terms of energy savings and greenhouse gas reductions.

Accelerate the market penetration of energy-efficient motors by introducing appropriate policy measures and ensuring that the renewal of motors is also accompanied by other energy efficiency measures: correct sizing of motors, including speed control and use of digital technologies.

Results to date


Project data

Client European Climate Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
Project management Konstantin Kulterer
Projectteam Dimov Deyan
Projectpartner ISR UC – Universität Coimbra, Portugal (Koordinator)
IEECP – Institute for European Energy and Climate Policy, Niederlande
Fraunhofer ISI – Fraunhofer - Institut für System und Innovationsforschung
ECI – European Copper Institut, Belgien
CRES – Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving, Griechenland
Projekt duration October 2022 to Marc 2025
[Translate to English:] EU Life Logo mit Schrift: Kofinanziert von der Europäischen Union

This project has been funded by the European Climate Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency under the LIFE call, LIFE-2021-CET-POLICY, with grant agreement N° 101076631. Views and opinions expressed on this Website are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.</h5

Contact person

Senior Expert | Commerce & Industry

Mag. DI Konstantin Kulterer Email addresskonstantin.kulterer@energyagency.at