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Tuning EPC and SRI instruments to deliver full potential

tunES will optimise Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) regulation and integrate it with the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) roll-out in 7 national and regional Energy Agencies, representing 132 million citizens. The agencies will follow the EU Better Regulation Guideline (BRG) to identify and assess the best policy measures.

The tunES Framework deploys BRG tools during policy design (inception, data collection, problem tree and policy options design) and assessment (impact assessment, iteration, prioritisation, roll-out planning) and continuous stakeholder engagement.

The core outcome are seven national policy measure packages including extensively vetted policy options, with clear impact, stakeholder reaction, and concise actions for realising full national implementations. On the EU-level, a comprehensive guidance strategy allows other stakeholders not only to access use cases but have all tools readily at hand for effective replication.

Seven Energy agencies are represented in tunES from different Member States: Austria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland and Slovenia.

The Technical Support Team consist of empirica, and technical experts from the Technical University of Denmark, the University of Cassino and Lublin University of Technology.

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Project data

Funding provider European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), LIFE-2022-CET-BUILDPERFORM
Project management Manuela Chriti
Projectteam Naghmeh Altmann-Mavaddat
Nicole Hartl
Projectpartner empirica Gesellschaft für Kommunikations- und Technologieforschung mbH (DE)
Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (IT)
Centre for Renewable Energy Sources (GR)
Polish National Energy Conservation Agency (PL)
Energy institute Hrvoje Požar (HR)
Jožef Stefan Institute (SI)
Építésügyi Minőségellenőrző Innovációs Nonprofit Kft (HU)
University of Cassino and Southern Lazio (IT)
Lublin University of Technology (PL)
Technical University of Denmark (DK)
Projekt duration September 2023 to August 2025

Contact person

employee photo of Manuela Chriti



Manuela Chriti
Email addressmanuela.chriti@energyagency.at
Employee Picture of Naghmeh Altmann

Senior Expert | Buildings

DI Naghmeh Altmann-Mavaddat, MSc Email addressnaghmeh.altmann@energyagency.at
Employee Picture of Nicole Hartl

Senior Expert | Buildings

DIin (FH)

Nicole Hartl
Email addressnicole.hartl@energyagency.at