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Bio Vill

BioVill - Bioenergy Villages

BioVill is a three-year project to increase the use of bioenergy, which is funded by the European Union as part of the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. It started in March 2016 and will run for 36 months. Under the leadership of GIZ, a total of nine partners from seven countries, the five target countries Croatia, Macedonia, Romania, Slovenia and Serbia as well as Germany and Austria are involved in the implementation of the project.

BioVill aims to plan and implement at least five bioenergy villages in Croatia, Macedonia, Romania, Slovenia and Serbia, laying the foundations for local investment in infrastructure. Above all, this includes raising awareness of the benefits of renewable energies and increasing public acceptance of them. Overall, BioVill will contribute to the expansion of renewable energies, especially bioenergy, in the European Union and thus support the creation of new markets.

The aim of BioVill is to transfer and adapt knowledge and experience from countries with already successful bioenergy villages such as Germany and Austria to countries with less experience in this field (Croatia, Macedonia, Romania, Slovenia and Serbia). By supporting the use of locally produced biomass, BioVill contributes to the development of the local bioenergy sector. This not only promotes market development for biofuels and heating systems, but also creates income opportunities for farmers, foresters and SMEs. The Austrian Energy Agency is responsible for developing technically and economically optimal solutions for the future bioenergy villages, which are adapted to local conditions and coordinated with the target groups. In addition, the Austrian Energy Agency supports the local partners in the choice of technology and contributes its experience in the implementation of regional energy concepts and stakeholder involvement.

The main activities of the BioVill project are the technological and economic analysis of the target villages, the participation and active involvement of stakeholders and citizens in the development of strategies and concepts as well as the implementation of the bioenergy village, the development of local bioenergy value chains and bioenergy technologies. On the other hand, the project focuses on training, qualifications and further education on financing options and business models. Only comprehensive knowledge of the possibilities of bioenergy use enables development that is supported by all those involved.

About BioVill

  • 3 years project duration (start March 2016)
  • 9 partner organizations from 7 countries
  • EUR 1.99 million budget

Project website

[Translate to English:] EU Flagge mit Claim-Schriftzug

Project data

Client / Funding Provider Horizon 2020
Project management DI Martin Höher, MSc
Project partner GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
WIP Wirtschaft und Infrastruktur GmbH & CO Planungs KG
KEA Klimaschutz und Energieagentur Baden-Württemberg GmbH
REGEA Regional Energy Agency of North-West Croatia
SDEWES – International Centre for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems Zagreb
GEA Green Energy Association
GIS Slovenian Forestry Institute
SKGO Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities
Project duration March 2016 to March 2019

Contact person

Employee Picture of Lorenz Strimitzer

Head of Center Renewable Materials & Resources | Head of Service Point Renewable Gases

DI Lorenz Strimitzer Email addresslorenz.strimitzer@energyagency.at