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Efficient motor systems

Efficient electric motor systems

Forum for exchange

The "Technology Collaboration Program on Efficient Electrical End-use Equipment" offers the participating countries and other potential partners from industry a forum for exchanging information and experience. It also aims to support the coordination of international concepts, initiatives and programs to strengthen energy-efficient technologies.

The Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) commissioned the Austrian Energy Agency to manage the "Annex Electric Motor Systems" project of the 4E TCP via the Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH. Other members of the Annex are Australia / Denmark / European Commission / Netherlands / New Zealand / Austria / Sweden / Switzerland / USA.

"Annex Motor Systems"

The main objective of the Motor Annex project is to support the installation of energy-efficient electric motors and motor systems such as pumps, fans and compressors. This is to be achieved by:

  • Collection, bundling and promotion of activities on efficient motor systems in Austria
  • International networking of the relevant players
  • Observation and assessment of new developments in the industry (digitalization)
  • Fundamental market preparation and development impulses
  • Information of developers and manufacturers, planners and users and political decision-makers on efficiency criteria for electric motor systems via databases, guidelines and direct information
  • Strengthening Austria as a development and research location by strengthening sustainable technologies, both on the supply and demand side

Instruments for the installation of energy-efficient electric motors and motor systems

In detail, the following areas are covered by the annex:

  • Policy
    The Electric Motor Systems Annex (EMSA) presents international experiences of successful policy instruments for increasing efficiency in motor systems. The Policy Guidelines for Electric Motor Systems were published at the end of 2014. This task was led by the Austrian Energy Agency.
  • Audits of Electric Motor Systems
    Until 2017, Austria's participation included in particular the Energy Audits for Motorsystems task lead for the development of recommendations for the implementation of standard-compliant energy audits in motor systems and published the "Energy Audit Guide for Electric Motor Systems-Recommended Steps"

in 2018.

  • Technical Guide
    Motor guide with basic options for saving energy in motor systems and tips for implementation in practice.
  • Tool
    The Motor Systems Tool developed as part of the Electric Motor System Annex is intended to support energy engineers, mechanical engineers, component suppliers and energy consultants in the design and optimization of motor systems. To this end, it calculates the overall efficiency of the entire system, depending on the selected components and load.
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Project data

Client FFG
Project management Mag. DI Konstantin Kulterer
Project team Mag. Petra Lackner
Project duration November 2017 to February 2027

Contact person

Senior Expert | Commerce & Industry

Mag. DI Konstantin Kulterer Email addresskonstantin.kulterer@energyagency.at