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Excite: Award Excellence, Invest in Trust: Tailor-made energy management services for Eastern European authorities

In the Horizon 2020 project Excite, the proven methodology of the European Energy Award (eea) is being introduced in pilot municipalities in Southern and Eastern Europe. Synergies with other initiatives at municipal level, such as the implementation of the international energy management system standard 50001 and energy and climate planning as part of the Covenant of Mayors, are being used.

The eea is an international quality management and certification instrument for municipal climate protection, which also allows participating cities and municipalities to be compared using a standardized system. The central element is a catalog of measures that is used for the planning and implementation of climate protection measures. The catalog consists of six fields of action for a municipality, each with a list of possible measures. A total of 79 measures are defined for the fields of action in the areas of spatial planning, municipal buildings and facilities, supply and disposal, mobility, internal organization and communication.

The EXCITE project supports the implementation of the European Energy Award in three pilot municipalities in each of the countries Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Romania, Slovenia and Ukraine. In addition to the implementation of the eea, the increased involvement of citizens in the implementation of climate protection measures is also important. In addition, relevant training courses for municipal energy managers as well as tailored financing models for local climate protection measures are being developed and implemented.Information of interest to the public is published on the project website www.excite-project.eu.

Project data

Client Europäische Kommission; H2020-Projekt
Project management DI Gabriele Brandl
Project team Dr. Angela Holzmann
MSc Mag. (FH) Rudolf Köstler
Kerstin Schilcher, BA MA
Mag. Gregor Thenius
DI Lukas Zwieb
Projectpartner Bulgarien: EnEffect – Center for Energy Efficiency
Österreich: AEA – Österreichische Energieagentur, Austrian Energy Agency
Frankreich: AERE – Alternatives pour l'Energie, les énergies Renouvelables et l'Environnement
Rumänien: RoGBC – Romania Green Building Council
Slowenien: KSSENA – Energy Agency of Savinjska, Šaleška and Koroška Region
Ukraine: EECU – Association "Energy Efficient Cities of Ukraine"
Nordmazedonien: HFHM – Habitat for Humanity Macedonia
Österreich: SIR – Salzburger Institut für Raumordnung und Wohnen
Schweiz: BRE – Brandes Energie AG
Projekt duration September 2020 to August 2023

Contact person

Employee foto of Gabriele Brandl

Senior Expert | Commerce & Industry


Gabriele Brandl
Email addressgabriele.brandl@energyagency.at