Global Forum on Sustainable Energy
As a multi-stakeholder platform, the Global Forum on Sustainable Energy (GFSE) plays an essential role in enabling sustainable energy projects by connecting investors, key donors and project developers. GFSE works at the interface between international energy policy and technical discourse and diplomacy, with conferences, regional forums and workshops forming the visible culmination of GFSE activities.
In this role, GFSE has been cooperating for years with Austrian and international actors in the transfer of knowledge and information, as well as in the organization of national and international events. These partner institutions include SE4ALL, UNIDO, UNDP, UNEP, GNESD, IIASA, ESMAP, ECREEE at international level and BMLFUW, BMEIA, ADA and WKO at national level.
As the official secretariat of the GFSE, the Austrian Energy Agency is responsible for the operational implementation of all activities of the GFSE association.
Further information on the activities of GFSE:
Activity reports
GFSE also regularly summarizes short reports (policy briefs) on energy and development policy issues.
Policy Briefs
Contact person