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IMPAWATT - For better energy performance in your company

IMPAWATT offers companies the opportunity to train and qualify their employees via a free platform. This can improve company policy in the areas of energy efficiency, energy culture and sustainable supply chain management.

Industrial and service companies often do not have the opportunity to invest in their own energy efficiency. There can be several reasons for this. In most cases, there is a lack of internal resources - in terms of time and money - but also a lack of knowledge to be able to implement appropriate measures.

The IMPAWATT project identifies and removes these obstacles. The aim of the project is to create a platform for staff training and capacity building in order to provide companies and in-house energy managers with the necessary know-how for greater energy efficiency, energy culture and initiatives for a sustainable supply chain.

The IMPAWATT project identifies and removes these obstacles.

The online portal will provide an intelligent search engine for relevant resources and content as well as useful tools. The platform is primarily aimed at the company's energy manager, but also at external energy consultants.

The materials are available in various formats, for example as webinars, fact sheets, white label presentations, calculation tools, multiple choice tests and as a database for energy efficiency measures. Companies can also use the platform to share their experiences on the topic and evaluate their energy efficiency. There will also be access to an energy monitoring portal where they can record and track their energy consumption and the effects of energy efficiency measures.

The IMPAWATT platform and the energy monitoring portal will be implemented in six European countries and the materials will be made available in four languages (English, French, German and Italian; partly also in Finnish). During the project period, a total of 245 companies will test the platform and user surveys and assessments on improving energy efficiency will be carried out. The use of the platform is intended to promote more environmentally friendly corporate guidelines and cultures.


IMPAWATT platform

The Austrian Energy Agency was in charge of preparing the documents for the 14 cross-cutting technologies until summer 2019. These include over 70 descriptions of measures, a large number of checklists, data collection forms, multiple-choice tests, presentations, best cases and an overview of financing instruments.

In addition, significant input was provided in the area of energy culture with further descriptions of measures and examples of energy culture.

From fall 2019, the platform will be tested by companies and presented in ten workshops and ten webinars.

IMPAWATT offers companies the opportunity to train and qualify their employees via a free platform. This can improve company policy in the areas of energy efficiency, energy culture and sustainable supply chain management.

Project data

Client / Funding Provider Programm Horizon 2020 der Europäischen Union
Project management Mag. DI Konstantin Kulterer
Projectteam DDI (FH) Marcus Hofmann
Karin Hauer
DI Gabriele Brandl
Marion Katzenschlager
Stefan Reuter, BSc
Michael Bauer, BSc
Anna Kassai, MSc
Projectpartner VTT – Technisches Forschungszentrum/Finnland
CCI Auvergne Rhône Alpes – Regionale Handelskammer/Frankreich SEnerCon – Energieeinsparung in Haushalten/Deutschland
Environment Park – Wissenschafts- und Technologiepark für die Umwelt/Italien
Projekt duration June 2018 to November 2020

Contact person

Senior Expert | Commerce & Industry

Mag. DI Konstantin Kulterer Email addresskonstantin.kulterer@energyagency.at