[Translate to English:] Katze liegt auf einem Sessel und streckt die Beine richtung Decke


Communication for climate-friendly heating

What makes Austria's homeowners tick? And what messages can be used to convince them to switch to climate-friendly heating or renovate? The Austrian Energy Agency and SORA investigated these questions in the motEEvate research project.

The basis for this was provided by a representative mixed-mode survey of around 1,400 house and apartment owners in Austria. The survey asked about attitudes towards climate protection, motives and barriers in connection with changing the heating system and refurbishment, and wishes in connection with subsidies and other support services for these measures.Based on the figures, a cluster analysis was used to identify four types of property owners who differ in their attitude towards climate-friendly measures for their house and apartment:

(only in german available)

[Translate to English:] Tortendiagramm mit dem Ergebnis der Clusteranalyse (n=1.398). 32% VorreiterInnen, 26% Verunsicherte, 24% Aufgeschlossene, 18% VerweigererInnen

Based on the data and cluster analysis, specific communication profiles were created for the individual target groups. A common narrative serves as the foundation, which can be used for all target groups.

Recommendations for target group-oriented communication: specific messages and communication channels are important

[Translate to English:] Empfehlungen für eine zielgruppengerechte Kommunikation: Spezifische Botschaften und Kommunikationskanäle wichtig

Details about the project can be found in the final report and the four profiles for the individual types.

Project data

Client Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie (BMK)
Projectteam Austrian Energy Agency:
Karina Knaus
Christoph Link
Christoph Dolna-Gruber

Christoph Hofinger
Christian Glantschnigg
David Laumer
Project duration March 2021 to September 2021

Contact person