In this section, you can find the headlines of our press releases. For further details, please refer to the full texts which are only available in German.
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Wholesale electricity price index rises by 2.2 % in January

Austrian electricity price index rises for the second time in a row
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Energy prices for households continue to fall in October

- Electricity and gas prices down significantly month-on-month
- Heating energy sources significantly cheaper year-on-year
- Discontinuation of support measures at the turn of the year
"Label Compliance" project tested energy labels for refrigerators and household appliances

The Austrian Energy Agency has successfully completed the "Label Compliance" project together with market surveillance authorities from four EU Member States - Austria, Bulgaria, Germany and Slovenia.
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Short-term wholesale price indices for gas and electricity rise significantly in December

Wholesale electricity and gas prices at previous year's level
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Energy prices for households continue to fall sharply in September

- Fuel and heating oil prices significantly reduce household energy costs
- Firewood and pellets significantly cheaper year-on-year
- Cancellation of support measures at the turn of the year
Gas wholesale price index for November rises

Wholesale gas prices rise by 6.6 % compared to the previous month of October
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Short-term wholesale price indices for gas and electricity rise significantly in November

Energy prices for households continue to fall sharply in August

- Fuel and heating oil prices significantly reduce household energy costs
- High end customer prices despite falling wholesale costs
- Gas, electricity and district heating prices fall slightly, but remain at a high level
- Long-term price declines noticeable, but still above pre-crisis levels
Electricity wholesale price index falls by 1.8% for November

Austrian electricity price index has been falling for 21 months
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