

GFSE Policy Brief #13: Green Skills for the Youth

This Policy Brief argues that a successful energy transition must be driven by a workforce with skills and knowledge in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainability, as it will be accompanied by a period in which new jobs will be created, certain jobs will be eliminated, and a number of jobs will be transformed. Education and training systems need to be redesigned to align with national and international priorities to minimize negative impacts on employment and create opportunities for decent jobs that ensure social and gender equity.


Key messages of the "Jugend & Green Skills" Online Event

On Wednesday, the 1st of December, the Global Forum for Sustainable Energy (GFSE) hosted a virtual event entitled "Youth and Green Skills." Issues of climate change and energy transition concern all generations. This workshop aimed to discuss possibilities for youth engagement in climate and energy policy. With experienced speakers, we were able to learn and debate local, international and global approaches.


Gas-Großhandelspreise steigen im Dezember auf neuen Rekordwert

Eine blaue Gasflamme, wei auf einem Gasherd auf schwarzem Hintergrund

Der ÖGPI steigt im Vergleich zum Vormonat um 17 %


„Matchmaking“: Europäische Biogas-Technologie trifft auf Projektpartner:innen in Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländern

Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländern benötigen saubere und leistbare Energie, nicht immer stehen Technologie und Know-how zur Verfügung. Das internationale Horizon 2020 Projekt Digital Global Biogas Cooperation veröffentlicht nun eine Online Plattform, um einfach und ohne Kosten ideale Partner:innen zu finden. Lokale Biomassequellen sollen besonders effizient und nachhaltig genutzt werden, die Österreichische Energieagentur hat bereits 50 Projekte weltweit analysiert.


Energiepreise treiben Inflation im Oktober auf Rekordwert

Ein kleines Holzhaus auf einem Tisch, daneben vier Eurocent-Stapel in verschiedenen Höhen. Auf verschwommen, grünem Hintergrund
  • Vor allem Treibstoffe und Heizöl teurer
  • Gaspreise auf dem Weg nach oben, Preisschub bei Strom ab 1.1.2022 angekündigt
  • Import von Öl und Erdgas wird uns heuer voraussichtlich 6 Mrd. Euro mehr kosten

GN-SEC side event: “Accelerating the energy transition through integrated and inclusive regional renewable energy and energy efficiency product and service markets within the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)”

GN-SEC side event: “Accelerating the energy transition through integrated and inclusive regional renewable energy and energy efficiency product and service markets within the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)”

Registration link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_TSBwge1xQZKihJ9oSKTQ7A


UNIDO 9th Ministerial Conference of LDCs - Virtual Side Event on accelerating the energy transition within the African Continental Free Trade Area

In the framework of the 9th Ministerial Conference of Least Developed Countries (LDCs), taking place in Vienna, Austria, from 25 to 26 November, UNIDO is organizing a side event entitled "Accelerating the energy transition through integrated and inclusive regional markets for renewable energy and energy efficiency products and services within the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)." Experts from the African Union, regional sustainable energy centers, and the private sector will be attending the conference.


COP26 Side Event: Call To Action! for the Establishment of the Global Ocean Energy Alliance (GOEA)

UNIDO, SIDS DOCK (Small Island Sustainable Energy and Climate Resilience Organization) and ACRE (Stimson Alliance for a Climate Resilient Earth) are organizing the COP26 Side Event: Call To Action! for the Establishment of the Global Ocean Energy Alliance (GOEA) on Thursday, 11 November 2021.


Strom-Großhandelspreise steigen weiter

Bild von Strommast in 1210 Wien bei blauem Himmel

Österreichischer Strompreisindex im Dezember weiter auf Rekordniveau


GFSE Workshop "Jugend und Green Skills" - 1st December 2021 (German Only)

The young generation has great potential to contribute to the energy transition in a variety of ways, for example by participating in decision-making processes at local and international level and as a skilled workforce supporting the development of value chains in renewable energy, energy efficiency and clean mobility. The objective of this workshop is to discuss possibilities and identify measures for the engagement of the youth in the energy transition in developing countries. This virtual Workshop will be held in German Language on 1st December 2021.
